Old pub in a wonky terrace at the north end of the town centre close to St Mary’s church. For many years, it was run as a free house by Nellie Collinson, from whom it takes its nickname, prior to its acquisition by Samuel Smith’s in 1976. At that time it was something of a timewarp pub; since then it has been somewhat improved and smartened up, but it retains an interior of great character, resulting in its inclusion as a main entry on CAMRA’s National Inventory.
It still has coal fires, stone-flagged floors, gas lighting and a warren of small rooms surrounding the main bar, which is at the rear left. There’s even an unexpected pool room at the back on the right. There’s the usual range of Sam’s beer, at their usual good value prices, and lunchtime food is available. The only signage is the rocking horse and a small nameboard above the front door.